Hellos peoples :D
Today woke up at around 1 plus .
Thn daddy & mommy not at home :(
A while later they came back .
Thn boyboy came . My house here like suddenly become funfair . Super uber noisy uh !
But funny , cos boyboy verie funny :D
Had a messy hair day ! Zzzz ! Super uber messy ==
Thn ate 2 pieced of roti prata wib mutton curry again for my brunch :>
Played com until 7 plus .
Thn bathe . Ate dinner around 9 plus . Cos the roti prata made me super uber full !
Thn 9.30pm watched Momo Love .
After tat thn on my com . Facebook , msn , blogging & plurk !
Post more tmr .